Types of street cats

As a Korean living in Malaysia for so many years,
I feel like I have encountered hundreds of street cats in my whole Malaysia life! (12 years)
They are always there at the every corner of the street
and of course, Mamak!!
They meow to seek for food.
So Cute!!

However, you know they are street cats and they all look different.
You know popular cat breeds such as Persian, British short hair and etc...
Why not know about our cat types since you all ways see them?

1. Three Colored Cat
Well, I feel the name is too simple as it look "Three Colored Cat".
WHat?? why not a better name?
Three Colored cat has yellow, white and mackerel (black&brown) color.
Usually with higher percentage of white.

2. Chaos Cat
Compared to the three colored cat, Chaos has higher percentage of Black
and it is called Chaos because its fur is mixed in chaotic.
I don't say this cat is cute but VERY ATTRACTIVE.

"Three colored cat" and "Chaos" is usually females.
Males three colored and chaos will have something wrong in their reproductive function
due to chromosomal aberration.
Then... How are they suppose to give birth of their kind?? O_O

3. Cheese Tabby Cat
The cat with yellowish orange colored fur 
with darker orange stripes(tabby) is called as Cheese Tabby.
Tabby means stripes so people call cats with stripes "_____ Tabby".
Also, all~~~~the cats with orange tabby with yellow or white fur is called Cheese Tabby.

4. Mackerel Tabby Cat
Just like the cheese tabby,
cats with Mackerel (Black & brown) colored stripe(tabby) is called Mackerel Tabby.
Doesn't it look like Mackerel the fish really? Haha

5. Mackerel Cat
Mackerel cat looks similar from the mackerel tabby.
but mackerel tabby has Stripe, whereas mackerel cat has Spots.

6. Milk Cow Cat
Just like its name, 
Milk cow cat has severe black spots on its white fur.

7. Tuxedo Cat
This is the breed I am raising at home! - Such a clever breed I think.
Usually have black color from upside down V shaped on the face,
wear down a dark black tuxedo until the tails, leaving the stomach is in white.
Its just like wearing a great suit of Tuxedo.

8. All Black Cat
All black cats are all black!!
It just look like Puma. (Puma is a brand not animal, haha, people always confuse this.)
When I was searching for its photo... 
I felt all black cats can be scary to seen at night...!
You may Google all black cats and find a floating yellow eyes in the dark.
Woo! Scary!
But I love all cats.

So now, tell your friends, "Oh that's a cute Cheese Tabby!"
when your friend sees it just a Yellow Cat.

By looking at those photos, you are very familiar with their looks right?
There are more breeds in the street that are less known.
Street cats don't harm people's living.
They just need place to live.